The Airsoft Arena is committed to the safety and enjoyment of ALL guests. Please take the time to read and understand the Rules to ensure that you have a fun, positive experience at the Airsoft Arena.
1) BLIND MAN: This is the universal, emergency call in airsoft. If you are hurt, or you witness someone who is hurt or incapacitated, immediately call Blind Man as loud as you can. If you hear someone yell Blind Man, immediately stop shooting and stay in place. Referees will zero in on the situation, render aid as necessary, and issue further instructions. Blind Man is used if your goggles become too fogged to see through or is not longer functional, if you become injured, or if someone else becomes injured or incapacitated. Do NOT use Blind Man if your equipment stops functioning, are out of ammo, or are trapped. Yelling “Help” is more suitable for these types of situations.
2) A hit by a BB ANYWHERE on your body, whether or not it is covered by gear, means you are out. The BB can come from direct fire against you, hits from friendly fire, or from a BB grenade. Gun hits do NOT count. If you are hit, raise one hand, point your gun towards the ground, and make your way to your starting point. If you use this as a ruse, you will be ejected from the game.
3) All participants must wear full seal goggles and hard face protection that covers the nose and mouth areas. Eye protection must have polycarbonate lenses with ANSI Z87.1 protection rating. Participant must be prepared to provide proof of ANSI rating of their eyewear. You cannot enter the Arena unless you have appropriate safety equipment.
4) All participants must wear Gloves and Kneepads to protect themselves against injury if they trip or fall in the Arena. Falling or kneeling on loose BBs on the ground of the Arena can be very painful. You cannot enter the Arena unless you have appropriate safety equipment.
5) All electric, spring, green gas and CO2 guns used in the Arena must measure a maximum of 340 fps with 0.20 gram BBs using our chronographs and BBs. Guns that exceed this velocity must be put away in your car outside of the facility or may be stored with the Arena staff.
6) HPA is NOT allowed during regular game sessions. (Friday Night Omega Sessions ONLY). All HPA powered guns must measure a maximum of 340 fps with 0.20 gram BBs AT THE MUZZLE using our chronograph and BBs. Joule creep is real.
7) All Referees will be equipped with an Acetech chronograph. Gun velocities will be measured before the start of each Session and random checks will occur throughout the Session. Do not feel offended if you are selected for one or more random checks.
8) Only Semi-Auto fire is allowed during regular play Sessions. Semi-Auto is defined as the release of ONE BB per press and release of the trigger. Anything else is considered Full Auto, including binary triggers. Absolutely no Full Auto is allowed at any time during a play Session. You may not “test” or “try out” your gun on Full Auto at any time in the Arena.
9) Maximum rate of fire on Semi-Auto is 4 shots per second. Guns equipped with high end MOSFETs and Fire Control Units must have their trigger sensitivity adjusted below 4 shots per second. Anything higher than this, even on Semi-Auto, will be considered Full Auto.
10) No Overshooting is allowed. Overshooting can be very subjective but basically means do not hit an opponent more than five times when the opponent is clearly helpless.
11) There is NO minimum engagement distance. Surrender, Bang, and other such verbal actions do not constitute a hit. Only BBs hits constitute a “kill”. This being said, refer to Rule #10 and BE KIND…do not inflict unnecessary pain. Furthermore, it is possible that BOTH of you could shoot each other at the same time. In this case, BOTH of you are out.
12) NO BLIND FIRE. Do not shoot around corners without seeing what you are shooting at. Aimed shots only.
13) Do not shoot above eye level. Any deliberate attempt to target the infrastructure of the field – lights, cameras, fire exit signs, air ducts, etc – will result in instant ejection from our facility.
14) Do not shoot the Referees. Referees will be in bright, safety orange vests wandering the Arena to ensure that rules are followed and to conduct spot chronograph checks. Deliberate targeting of Referees will result in instant ejection from our facility.
15) DO NOT CHEAT. If you get hit, call yourself out. Chances are, you are playing a respawn game and you are right back in the game after a short stroll to the spawn point. Sometimes, a player may not feel the hit due to hits on equipment. Feel free to shoot that player until they do call out. This is different from Rule #10.
16) NO PHYSICAL CONTACT. Any pushing, punching, kicking, or other aggressive physical actions will result in instant ejection from our facility.
17) NO VERBAL ABUSE. Verbally abusing another player will result in suspension from play. Airsoft is a FUN sport. There will be minors playing with you. If your ego cannot handle the situation, we suggest you find another hobby.
18) Do not move, damage, or climb any of the obstacles, structures, or camouflage. You can try to climb through the windows but…good luck.
19) If your equipment stops working, do not ask a referee for help. Call yourself out and take your equipment into the staging area to troubleshoot your gear or request assistance from the staff.
20) Note regarding “tactical shields”: shields are not allowed in the Arena. A real NIJ Level IV shield weighs 40+ pounds. If you bring a handheld shield that is 40+ pounds, then we will allow you to use it, you crazy bastard.
21) BE KIND AND HELPFUL. This is not an Arena rule, but rather the Golden Rule. The more players we welcome into the sport, the more enjoyable it will be. It is the duty of all experienced players to teach and coach new players in positive ways to play and behave. We all want our sport to grow and thrive, and it is everyone’s personal responsibility to make sure this happens.
22) On the flip side, we will not tolerate immature jerks. Breaking ANY of these rules more than once will result in ejection from the Arena. In any instance above where you are ejected, you will not be refunded. WARNING AGAINST BAD BEHAVIOR Guests who fail to abide by the rules of the Airsoft Arena will be suspended for a game or ejected from the session. Repeat or egregious offenders will be permanently banned from the Arena. In the most severe instances, law enforcement will be contacted.