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1st Annual Fight Right Field Exercise
April 26-27, 2025
12 pm: Game brief and safety. No pyro or flame of any kind on the field. Sober event.
12:20 pm - 12:40 pm: Head out to stage for round 1.
12:40 pm - 2 pm: Round 1. Force on force for objectives. Medic rule with respawn for an entire downed team.
2 pm - 2:20 pm: Reup.
2:20 pm - 2:40 pm: Stage up for objective/NPC objectives.
2:40 pm - 4 pm: Teams compete to complete objectives based on time and criteria.
4 pm - 5 pm: Down time to get ready for dinner.
5 pm - 6 pm: Dinner. Bring your own meat to bbq. Bring drinks. Ice will be available.
6 pm - 6:30 pm: All hands on deck for clean up.
6:30 pm - 7 pm: Reup.
7 pm - 9 pm: Night ops.
9 pm: Reconvene for movie and for those that want to turn in for the night or for a bit.
10 pm - Midnight: Optional night ops.
Midnight: All activities stop and mandatory rest. Be respectful or be asked to leave.
4 am: Wake up.
5 am - 7 am: Force on force games with objectives and NPCs.
7 am - 8 am: Breakfast.
8 am - 9 am: All hands on deck for clean up.
9 am - 11am: Optional force on force.
12 pm: End field exercises and be off the property!
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